Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Started on the Quilt for Sis
The pattern is called "Nickel Bricks" and is from the book "Loose Change" by Claudia Plett and Le Ann Weaver.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
BFF Nabbed Her Quilt
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Cat Quilt Quilted - Nov. 8, 2009
I finished quilting the Cat Quilt this morning soon after midnight. I hope to get some great pictures for posting later today.
Great Feature
Thousands of Bolts have added a wonderful feature to their website. It is called the color matcher.
It is really easy to use. You pick out a fabric you like, click the Color Matcher link, and then click any where on the fabric. The box next to the fabric will fill with the color you clicked on and then you click on the button that says "search for this color" and you will receive a display of other fabrics that match the color you chose.
This is a terrific feature for me as I often am unable to tell on my computer screen if two fabrics really go together or not. I have played with it a couple of times tonight picking odd colors etc. and I have not found any flaws with this feature except that it does not print out cash to pay for all the fabrics I fell in love with while color matching.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Ahhh, Secret Jungle Quilt Quilted
I finished quilting the Secret Jungle quilt this week. It was pretty intense work because I outlined just about 100% of each creature, leaf, etc. in the panels.
I used the BSR foot to the Bernina 830 and at first I was determined to stay on all the lines. It didn't take long to figure out I wasn't experienced enough to do that, and that I should listen to Judy Hall at Texas Quiltworks and not look that close. Once I got that down I was able to move a little freer and get the job done.
Since it is BFF's quilt she wants to do the binding. She is welcome to it, but I suspect she will want me to sew the one side down for her.
Next thing I want to do is finish BFF's cat quilt and then I can start putting the quilt together that I am making Sis.
I'm also still hand quilting the main part of the turtle quilt for my youngest, which is easier to do now that it is cooler in the evenings.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
WOW! What a Great, Generous Gift
My aunt won this box of thread and generously gave it to me to use with my Bernina 830. I'm blown away. Thanks Aunt Milly!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Project Linus 1
The kit included everything I needed to make a child's quilt except thread, the strips and squares were already cut and the pattern was included. I ended up completing the quilt top and quilting the quilt by Sunday by just using the decorative stitches on my Bernina 830.
The next weekend my friend Laurie came over and showed me how to put on binding as I have not made it that far on a quilt to date. I finished the quilt on Monday.
I hope to do more projects for Project Linus in the very near future. It was fun, it was quick, and I think some child will really enjoy having this quilt on their bed
Project Linus
Saturday, August 8, 2009
More Pillowcases
Sunday, July 26, 2009
BFF's Secret Jungle Quilt Top
BFF bought several different selections of Laurel Burch fabric including the last of their Secret Jungle panels. BFF decided she would use those panels to make a quilt by just adding borders.
She decided that my first weekend with my Bernina 830 would be the best time to create this quilt as I learned how to use the machine, and I figured it was probably one of the easiest ways to ease into the new machine. We started cutting the borders last night and deciding just want we were going to do to dress up the panels but not over power their elegance. We finished the top today.
The pictures do not come close to doing justice to this beautiful fabric, but you can get an idea of how it looks.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Machine has Arrived!
I picked up my Bernina 830 last night, July 21, 2009 and had my beginner's class. My instructor's name was Val and she was absolutely wonderful.
The set up is so that you learn on your own machine and she shows you on the shop machine. I have seen other shops teach this machine and they have the owner sit to the side and watch, I feel very blessed that I was able to find Texas Quiltworks thanks to Laurie. They have been wonderful to work with during this purchase, and the quilting class I took there last month.
Val started me out unpacking the boxes so I could have the thrill of opening my purchase myself. (It was exciting.) As I took out each item she would explain what it was and where it belonged. Once the machine was set up and all the parts were around it, she taught me how to clean and maintain the machine. It was wonderful to dig in right away, and helped me not be afraid of the machine just like Val said it would.
We even embroidered last night.
We started at 6:30 and ended after 10:30. I had lots of fun and Val was very patient and knowledgeable. Unfortunately, by the time I got home, and the boys carried the machine in, I was too tired to sew.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
My Next Stop
My friend Laurie sent me the link to Stitchin Memories in Rockwall, TX. I cannot wait to go there. I took the internet tour and there were so many fabrics I wanted to see in person.
Road trip anyone?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Plano Quilt Show
I have not been to a quilt show before, but I am planning on going to the Plano Quilt Show.
The Plano Quilt Show is a two day show beginning on August 14, 2009 at 9:00 A.M.
I can't wait!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I started these placemats last week and then got wrapped up in researching and buying my new sewing machine and they were left sitting on the table. This afternoon I started preparing the area where I want to place my new machine and decided that I wanted to complete this project so that I would have more space.
Of course, now I realize how cheap and temperamental my old machine is after sewing on the 830.
These are going to be in my fall placemat collection. Blue Ribbon Quilt Shoppe had the "Crayon Forest" collection on their 50% off shelf so I decided to make use of the sale. Now that I have completed the project I have decided that I have lost my taste for muted colors.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I am now the Proud Owner of ...
a Bernina 830. Or at least I will be when it arrives at the store, hopefully by next Saturday.
Be prepared for lots of posts about this amazing machine.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Bernina 830
Tomorrow I am going for a demo on the Bernina 830. "L" is going with me so that she can make sure I get all my questions answered. We have both been educating ourselves this week.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Even More Pillowcases - I Love These!
BFF and I made these for her sister.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Too Hot To Shop
It is too hot to go quilt shop hopping, so here are some of my favorite links.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Pillowcase Day
Friday, June 5, 2009
Seam Ripper Stabs Deep
I really don't know how it happened.
I am taking the hand quilting out of the sashing on my Beginner Sampler Quilt with the hope I can use it in my machine quilting class next week.
In my lifetime, I have ripped a lot of seams out, with no problems whatsoever. Tonight I was ripping out the threads in the sampler quilt and suddenly I felt horrible pain in the tip of my ring finger. I looked down and the seam ripper was buried to the hilt in my finger tip.
I pulled the seam ripper out and had my youngest bring me a band-aid. There was not a lot of blood, but there was a very dark spot. I think the bleeding was pretty deep into my finger, and it is very sore.
I still have no idea how the seam ripper ended up in my finger tip. I am always careful. I wasn't distracted by the television or anything else. Just a fluke, but a painful one.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Bad Television = Very Little Quilting
Since I don't take my lessons on machine quilting until next week, I am still doing all my quilting (not piecing) by hand.
I need entertainment while I am hand quilting. Television is horrible now that all the season finales are over, and all that is on is reruns, or horrible shows I can't even use for background noise. (No cable here, so very little selection.)
Over the weekend I finished four blocks on the turtle quilt because I watched the rest of the "7th Heaven" dvds that my sons gave me for my birthday. Television series are the best to quilt to because you can quilt for an episode and then go off and do something else. With a movie it is hard to find a good breaking place. it is hard on my hands to quilt for the length of a movie without a break.
The boys and I stopped at EntertainMart Monday night and I looked for something on sale and interesting to watch. The only thing they had I was interested in was "Nip Tuck." A series I have not seen, but I have heard a lot about. I bought the first season of the dvds. However, now everyone tells me that it is a little to racy to watch with the youngest in the room, so I am going to have to wait until they leave on their trip to watch those episodes and quilt.
That leaves me back with only movies. I've decided that I will put in a movie I have already seen several times to keep me entertained, but that I won't mind stopping when I need a break. Not as good as something new, but at least it will get me back to the quilting I need to get done before August.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Novelty Fabric and More
Laurie sent me this link tonight and I have had more fun looking at novelty fabrics. There are some really cool designs available on this site.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
They Do Pay Attention
I always show my boys what I am working on when I am quilting, sewing, paper crafting, etc. They always comment, but I never know if they are really paying attention or just making the appropriate sounds in their throats.
Yesterday I found some fabric that had large dice all over it, in green and black. I bought a yard of it with no idea of what I would create with it, but my oldest collects dice so it was a must. When my oldest got home I showed it to him and he was very excited. I told him I had no idea what I would do with the fabric, but at least I would have it on hand.
He looked at the fabric and immediately said "Is there enough for you to make me some pillowcases?" WOW, I hadn't even thought of making pillowcases out of the fabric.
I need to go back tomorrow and get another yard of the fabric and some accent fabric.
I'm so glad they pay attention.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
My BFF and I Made Pillowcases!
Today I got to spend the entire day with my BFF.
We started out with lunch at Taste of Home in Wylie, where we could not decide what to eat. We ended up sharing a smoked turkey wrap and a swiss and ham quiche. Delicious.
Our next stop was the Blue Ribbon Quilt Shoppe in Wylie, where they are having a wonderful sale. We both bought fabric. I bought Christmas fabric that was 50% off. She bought fabric for pillowcases.
After a beautiful drive to Rockwall we stopped in at Texas Quiltworks, where I had a wonderful conversation with the owner, Judy Hall. I signed up to take her beginning machine quilting class, and she showed me how to prepare my Blooming Nine Patch for quilting. She was very patient with me, and I learned several things during my brief conversation with her.
Once we made it back to my house, BFF and I made six pillowcases, and left the other six for another day. Here are two of the pillowcases we made today.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
OttLite® High Definition Craft Tray Organizer
I went to JoAnn Fabrics today because I had a gift card and a friend had suggested I check out the OttLite® High Definition Craft Tray Organizer while it was on sale. Once I saw it I decided to go ahead and purchase it.
My biggest problem with this new tray is going to be the boys. They are always knocking into my lamp when they give me hugs and kisses. Of course, I would rather have a few things knocked onto the floor than give up my hugs and kisses.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Impressed with Thousands of Bolts
I placed my order with Thousands of Bolts on May 7th. My order arrived on May 9th even though I only paid for their cheapest mailing rate.
The fabric was packed nicely in the mailing envelope and the quality of the material was very nice.
The only caveat for anyone wishing to order from there or any internet fabric shop is that sometimes the colors are not exactly like they look on the computer. I loved the fabric, I was just surprised by a couple of pieces. One piece was not the color I expected at all, but if I had paid closer attention I would have noticed the order number and seen that it was not the color I thought it was, not that it matters, it is still beautiful.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Moda Bake Shop/The Bookkeeper
This is on the Moda Bake Shop website. Thanks for sending it to me Patsy. Patsy knows I love my Kindle 2. I did not publish all the instructions here, just the pictures, however the step by step directions are terrific on the website.
I am not one to look at different blogs and websites unless I am looking for a particular item, so I appreciate it when someone sends me cool links and/or ideas.
The BOOKKEEPER![]() This is my FIRST project for Moda Bake Shop and I'm really excited to share it with you. One of my favorite things to do besides QUILTING and CRAFTING is READING! So, for Mother's Day this year my DH bought me an Amazon Kindle. I was sooo excited to get it early and I've already read three books and I'm in the middle of two more books. I just love this new technological wonder. It's amazing. It holds over 1,500 books in one place and weighs less than a pound. Wow! So, I made this handy little pouch to protect it. If your purse is anything like mine, it needs protecting! The BOOKKEEPER can also hold any paperback book that measures less than 9 " x 6" and isn't too thick. If the book is thicker it needs to measure approximately 5" x 7" inches. If you need a bigger size you can customize the pattern to fit whatever size book you have. Just measure the circumferences of the book and add at least an inch to the width and length to allow for the seam allowances and flap. The BOOKKEEPER could also be used as a handy little purse or sewing pouch. You could even throw in your make-up for an overnight quilt retreat. ![]() |
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thousands of Bolts
When I went quilt hopping the last few times, I was a little shocked at the price of fat quarters. They had gone up quite a bit since last summer. So last night I decided to start hunting for a better price on the internet.
I found "Thousands of Bolts." Most of the fat quarters were $1.79 and I found some beautiful fabrics. I went ahead and placed an order very late in the night, but it has already shipped. I only paid for the cheapest shipping rate so it may take a while for it to get here, but I'll post a comment here and let everyone know how it turns out.
Their fabric by the yard prices are very reasonable too, and they have the following manufacturers:
Andover Avlyn Batik Textiles Benartex Blank Textiles Classic Cottons Clothworks David Textiles FabriQuilt Hoffman Kaufman Textiles Kings Road Kona / Seattle Marcus Brothers Merrivale Fabrics Michael Miller Moda Northcott P&B Textiles Quilting Treasures Red Rooster RJR South Seas Textile Creations Timeless Treasures Windham Fabrics | |
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Bali Bowls
I spent some of my birthday money on a Bali Bowl pattern and a package of the Hoffman Kiwiberry Bali Pops strips.
I decided I needed something around the house to do when I needed a break from a quilt project. I think these bowls are really pretty and I would like to make at least one to hold some of my goodies.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
BFF's Pillowcase
Rockwall Quilt Shop - Amazingly Friendly
Sis and I went to Texas Quiltworks in Rockwall, TX yesterday. Laurie had told me about this shop, and since I always enjoy a drive down 205, I was raring to go. The shop is less than 20 miles from my house so I knew it would be a great trip for Sis and me to get to spend some time together, and not keep her out too long, plus she was looking for some fabric.
I really enjoyed my visit to this shop. The gals there were so friendly. I talked with Judy about the machine quilting class she teaches, and I will definitely be setting up a time to take that class as soon as the boys are out of school.
Like most of the quilt shops in downtown areas I wish there was more light in the building, but they had terrific fabrics, patterns and notions. They were very nice about answering my questions and explaining some techniques to me. To date, I think they are the friendliest shop I have been in. I'm ready to go back.
After that stop we went to the Blue Ribbon in Wylie, where Sis found the perfect fabric for what she is working on. The Blue Ribbon is my favorite when it comes to light in their spaces. Plus I just love the building itself. I love the way they have worked with the stage area and the large brick wall.
Perfect short quilt hop for me.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
First Pillowcase
I made my first pillowcase today. I found a kit on the Connecting Threads website a few months ago on sale and purchased it mainly to get the pattern, because the sale price of the kit was cheaper than the pattern. It was fun to put it together, but I really had to run through the instructions a couple of times before really sitting down to sew. I didn't want to mess it up.
The fabric is very nice, not really my first choice of design but it does have fishing poles, books, and other things that I have done in my past represented in the different figures.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I have to be careful not to get sucked into all the great websites for quilters. Today I discovered There is a blog attached that is wonderful, but of course that just leads to more links.
Short Quilt Shop Hop
On Saturday, April 25, 2009, BFF and I went on a short quilt shop hop, it was my birthday gift from BFF.
We started at Quilt Country in Lewisville, TX. It was important for me to go there because that is where I found the Moda Metallic Marble that I was using in the cat quilt back, and I needed amore for the binding, or I would need another fabric.
When we arrived at Quilt Country the first thing I did (well, after a quick trip to the loo) was to go to where I knew they kept the Moda fabric I needed. Fortunately, they had 1 5/8 yards left, and I bought it all. I could not chance of not having that fabric on hand to finish that quilt back.
BFF and I found several fat quarters we liked and a birdhouse stencil for the cat quilt. I love Quilt Country but I do get very overwhelmed in there due to all the selections and the quilts they have throughout the store.
The next stop was The Quilter's Workshop in Carrollton, TX. They have moved into a new shop and I really liked the lay out. This is where I decided to use my gift from BFF. There was a pattern I really wanted and several beautiful fat quarters. BFF bought some Laurel Burch Secret Jungle fabric so that I can make her some pillowcases. The lady that helped us was named Cindy and let me tell you she had her hands full with the two of us. BFF and I had trouble agreeing to the accent fabrics to her pillowcases.
I had a great time, and I am glad BFF had a chance to see all the beautiful fabrics.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
"The Lost Quilter" by Jennifer Chiaverini
I read "The Lost Quilter" by Jennifer Chiaverini on my Kindle2 last week. It is what I would call an companion book to "The Runaway Quilt" by the same author, and I would recommend you read the "Runaway Quilt" first if you have not read any of these books before.
I love this series of books, and this one did not let me down. I felt as if I was right there with the slave Joanna observing what she observed, and wanting her to get free. I felt her strength with each word I read.
The boys forgot I had told them not to order the book for me because I was getting it on my K2 and so I have two copies. The great thing about the hardback copy is the quilt blocks that design the inside covers. They are in color and it helps you visualize the accompanying story.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Kindle2 Bag
I saved for several months, and used birthday money to buy myself a Kindle2 for my 50th birthday. I also purchased the Kindle 2 compatible cover because I like how the K2 snaps into the cover. However, the cover does not have a mechanism that keeps it closed during transit. Since my K2 will mainly be transported in my purse that bothered me. I was afraid other items in my purse would fall inside the cover and scratch my K2 screen.
Solution. I made a little drawstring bag to use while it is in my purse. It adds practically no weight, and folds up very small for storage in my purse when the K2 is not inside the bag.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Even a Novice EQ6er Can Design
Since I really had no idea what I was going to use for the backing on the cat quilt for BFF J, I used my EQ6 (Electric Quilting 6) several times on this project.
After some hesitation on my part to give up on finding the material I needed, I decided to try to get a design using EQ6. Now I admit that I haven't read the book that came with the software, or watched the videos, so it is hit and miss for me to use this wonderful software, but I was able to come up with many designs and color them in with the fabrics I had before deciding I didn't like any of the designs I had chosen. They just weren't giving me the "feeling."
Then BFF and I went shopping one day because I decided I wanted several different fabrics that coordinated with the quilt top for the back, even if I still hadn't decided on a final pattern. I figured 1/4 yard of each fabric would do, and I bought 15 different fabrics. I also knew I would have to coordinate the transition fabric from the front to the back by carrying on the richness of the front, but not over powering the back, or allowing the back to make the front look cheap. I knew in my head what I needed but it took a lot of shopping to find "the fabric." Once again I didn't know how much to buy, so I went with 1 yard. Then everything sat on the shelf, with no plan, no pattern, nothing, until BFF was looking through one of my new quilt magazines one day and mentioned how much she liked a particular pattern. I did not tell her at that time, because I had to read the directions, but I was pretty sure the back design had been decided.
The problem then became how to make the back the same size as the front. Adding blocks did not work due to the size of the blocks. Yes, I could have worked on resizing all the blocks and working it out, but that was more math than I cared to do for anyone, family, Sis, BFF, or the girls, and I don't know how to do that on EQ6. In the end, I made the blocks, and decided to make it work with the use of borders.
I pulled up the EQ6, drew out my block, put it into a quilt, colored the quilt with the fabrics that the oldest scanned in and then worked it all out from there. Then I checked the fabric yardage needed in what I designed, and I was ready to sew.
Once the borders are on, the back of the cat quilt should resemble something like this:
One of these days I will probably sit down and really learn all the ins and out of this software, but for now I have figured out enough to know that I will be pretty happy with the cat quilt back when it is completed, despite the fact that 2 black paw prints touch.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Main Part of Cat Quilt Back

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
12 Blocks for Cat Quilt Back Are Done, Not in Proper Order Yet

It sure is bright!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cat Quilt Back
I am using a pattern called "Fat Quarter Breeze" from the Spring 2009 Fons&Porters Love of Quilting "Easy Quilts" magazine for the main part of the back, then I will be playing around with the border when I get the blocks done.
One thing about it, the back of the quilt will be the side BFF will want to use when she needs something to wake her up.
I have finished the first two blocks and hope do finish another one tonight after I make a large quantity of chicken salad and deviled eggs for a party tomorrow night.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Everything Quilts
Everything Quilts has some great quilt kits. Here are a few of my favorites.
I would never make this one, but I think it is gorgeous.